We've Been There

Time and time again, our clients – students, parents, schools and tutors – tell us what a difference our tutoring has made in the lives of a child and their family. We share these stories because they are real. We share them because we are proud. We share them to demonstrate how much you are not alone in your journey. We know what it’s like and can’t wait to help.




Parents of a LD Student

“We have to thank you for introducing us to our tutor, she has already made such a difference. Having someone in our corner who is able to apply our son’s IEP and coordinate with both his classroom teacher and psychologist has been a weight off of our minds. Her hands on approach and even incorporating games has our son actually looking forward to his tutoring sessions! His teacher has already noticed an improvement in his reading and self-confidence. Thank you so much!”

Parents of a Grade 8 and Grade 9 Student.

“Thank you so much Angela. I can’t begin to tell you the lifelong impact that our tutor has had on our boys. He is quite an exceptional tutor in both math and guitar in their own right. His life mentorship will always set him apart, and it has made an indelible, positive impact that will impact them their whole lives. Angela, we will always be appreciative of your introduction!”



"Angela Minaker’s great skill is her ability to match the client with the right tutor. She clearly understands her tutors’ strengths, allowing her to appropriately select a tutor according to the specific needs of each student. This appropriate matching results in a positive, productive relationship for both client and tutor."

Tutoring Alliance Tutor
"For the tutor, Angela is an invaluable source of insight. Her ongoing work in the field has allowed her to cultivate extensive knowledge of the tutor/student relationship; this makes it possible for her to respond with intelligence and sensitivity to a broad range of questions and concerns. She is sincere, funny and direct: these qualities create an atmosphere of openness and trust, in which the tutor feels free to articulate her thoughts and questions about a client. A phone consultation with Angela is often all the tutor requires to return to the client with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose."
Tutoring Alliance Tutor



“Since beginning to work with a TTA tutor: the organizational skills my grade 11 student has learned have helped him keep on top of his homework and projects. His time management skills have also improved immensely. The student feels better about himself and his success at school. What a difference from last year!”


“Students in my grade 8 classes who have been assisted by the Toronto Tutoring Alliance have demonstrated notable progress and conspicuous results. These students have shown increased confidence in their abilities, and are positively driven toward academic success. The tutors’ efforts to liase with teachers have been exceptionally helpful. They are aware of teacher expectations and make every effort to direct the students in meeting them.”
