We are here to help.

We are here to help.

We are almost at the end of the school year! Since September, the combination of online and classroom learning along with hectic pace of semesters and quadmesters has been demanding for both parents and students. Our goal is to help your child finish this school year strong.

Our tutors and academic coaches are standing by. Our aim is to support your child by not only shoring up foundational knowledge and assisting with exam preparation, but also by providing mentorship and encouragement.

Call us today to discuss your family’s individual needs. I would be delighted to be of service.

– Angela


More to explore

post secondary university summer school

Summer 2021

We are all looking forward to unwinding and enjoying some well-deserved relaxation. We are so proud of all our students, and the

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Media & Journalism Courses

We invite you to explore our variety of topics designed to stimulate creative thinking during the Summer months. In addition to our

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Sweet Summer Offerings

Indulge your mind this summer by exploring your personal interests. Would you like to increase your knowledge of English Literature? Do you