The Butterfly Story
You have probably heard the story about a man who, after watching a butterfly struggle to leave it’s cocoon, tried to help by gently forcing the cocoon open. Surprisingly, the butterfly that emerged had small, unformed wings, and was unable to fly. The struggle out of the cocoon is an essential step for the butterfly by forcing fluid into the wings, allowing them to stretch and spread in flight. By trying to shortcut the process, the man had hindered instead of helping the small creature. This story of the butterfly is a powerful metaphor as to when and when not to help our students.
A Little Stress Goes a Long Way
There is good evidence in the fields of both neuroscience and psychology indicating that exposure to some forms of stress are beneficial. The stress inoculation theory argues that exposure to mild to moderate, controllable stress leads to an individual sense of master and promotes resilience in the future.
What Stress is Good Stress?
When a student faces stressors such as multiple exams in one day or juggling the various demands of school, they are presented with the opportunity to build their own resilience. Facing these stressors, acknowledging and overcoming them, and reflecting on how they coped (or not), literally remodels the brain so that when students are faced with future stressors, the nervous system is better prepared to not only mount a defence against the stressor but may also protect them from the detrimental effects of stress on health.
Resulting Growth
It is alway difficult watching someone we care about struggle. Creating a strong support network, including healthy association with peers, academic coaches, and family provides the positive foundation needed for personal growth. Knowing when to step in, and when to strep back, is often trial and error but remembering that avoiding stress altogether may deny students the ability to learning how to cope with stress. Let’s keep encouraging our kids to speak freely about their mental and emotional wellness, supporting them as the develop and spread their own ‘butterfly’ wings.
Help Is Close At Hand
If stress reaches critical levels, resulting in poor productivity and decreased self confidence, our tutors and academic coaches are here to help. Call us today to begin a program including stress reduction strategies, organizational skills, and techniques to better manage anxiety during testing or exams.