Post-Secondary Support 2020/2021

Post-Secondary Support 2020/2021

The monumental leap to university from high school presents a student with the joys of greater independence as well as new challenges. The unprecedented stresses and unknown factors we are facing today only add to this. We have found the one of the keys for a successful transition into post-secondary studies is the creation and maintenance of a strong support network. The guidance provided by academic coaches and mentors becomes even more essential in today’s rapidly evolving learning environment.

Academic Coaching & Mentorship

We’ve been there. Our mentors have faced and tackled the challenges of university. Being a first year student today is especially intimidating. A mentor acts as a guide, helping a student to remain organized, set goals, and create a practical plan to work towards them. Our mentors also share resources that they have found to be personally helpful. The aspect of emotional support provides a student with a sense of stability while learning to operate with increased independence.

Proven Track Record

Studies indicate that post-secondary students who work with a mentor have increased maturity, more effective time management skills, and a greater sense of responsibility (McLean, 2004). The academic benefits of mentoring include the positive influence towards career choices, perseverance in following their educational goals, and their achievement in higher education (Brown, David, & McClendon, 1999; Ferrari, 2004; Packard, 2003).

Subject Experts

Our Subject Experts are just that. They specialize in a variety of fields and have very often completed the same courses that a student needs assistance in. Completing a case study? Looming exams? Need help refining and expanding your ideas? How do you translate those ideas into a compelling argument or essay? We are here to help.

Source/Credits: Peer Mentoring in Post/Secondary Education: Implications for Research and Practice Journal of College Reading and Learning, v37 n1 p73-87 Fall 2006


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Summer 2021

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