The importance of student-centered learning at the high school and post-secondary level
Parents, professors, and post-secondary students who value achievement likely all agree that mastering the material and getting good grades matters. But how we do get there? After the educational disruptions that students experienced over the last four years, more and more high school and university students are finding themselves struggling.
‘Meeting students where they’re at’ is an emerging teaching philosophy and a promising shift in how we teach. It represents a commitment to placing the individual at the center of the learning process and a change from “What am I planning to teach?” to “What does this student need to learn right now?” Several approaches have been proposed for creating more student-centred learning environments:
Shift decision making to empower students. Letting students make decisions regarding the course content and timetable, assignments, including options for both group work and individual approaches, and offering different marking and assessment options are all strategies which can make students feel more empowered in their education.
Involve students in teaching. Students learn by doing. Teaching by inviting them to participate in class activities and give examples, applications, and summaries is one way to encourage them to learn from each other.
Encourage students to take responsibility. Making students active participants in the learning process by giving them choices, instructors encourage them to strengthen their commitment to learning.
Rethink evaluation. Evaluations are not only a way to generate grades but to promote learning. Teaching students to assess their own work and that of their peers and offering flexible marking schemes, such as the ability to choose which assignments to complete, can also reduce test anxiety and empower students.
Despite research showing that student-centred learning strategies can optimize learning and growth, many institutions still favour traditional approaches. For students who are struggling, working one-on-one with a qualified tutor can be the key to helping them meet their academic goals. By getting to know each student, tutors can provide a personalized approach that empowers students, keeps them involved and engaged, and encourages them to take responsibility for their learning.