Building self-confidence for life and learning

Building self-confidence for life and learning

Parents intuitively know that raising self-confident children and young adults is important. Confident students are more likely to participate in class, are perceived as ‘smarter’ by teachers, and do better on exams irrespective of the skills they possess.   Benefits continue across their lifespan, with self-confident adults having significantly more motivation, resilience, success at work, better relationships, and less fear and anxiety.

Confidence is not an innate characteristic but develops in response to a child’s experiences. The following strategies are all ways in which you can help your student improve their confidence:

  1. Model healthy confidence by approaching new undertakings with preparation, enthusiasm, and healthy optimism.  Acknowledge fear or anxiety but focus on the positive.
  2. Encourage students to move past mistakes. Help students see that confident people make mistakes, too – they just know how to take them in stride, learn from them, and move on.
  3. Avoid comparing children to their siblings or other children. Every student is unique and comparisons can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.
  4. Praise students for persevering.  If your student is finding something particularly challenging and is not immediately successful, praise their resilience and ongoing efforts.
  5. Set your students up for success by having realistic expectations and ensuring that they’re involved in activities that they will succeed at.

Competence builds confidence! At Tutoring Alliance, our qualified teachers and subject experts are here to help students master the skills needed for success, all the while building confidence and the courage to let their best self shine through. There is no better time to start building self-confidence than in the weeks and months leading up to exams.  A successful exam period will provide an excellent boost to help your student move forward with determination and assurance.



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